Cyrusher 10km Riding Challenge – Join and Get The Gift Bag!

Celebrating our 10-year anniversary, we warmly invite all forum members to participate in the free 10km Riding Challenge . Experience nature and the city from a fresh perspective as you pedal your way through this exciting event. Complete the challenge, share your journey, and receive a complimentary Cyrusher limited edition 10th Anniversary Gift Pack.

:clipboard: Activity Requirements

  1. Register a forum account.

  2. Post your tracked cycling photos of a 10 km ride in the Cyrusher Community Forum .

Check how to post: Cyrusher Community Forum Operation Guide

:calendar: Event Duration

Use your Cyrusher e-bike to complete a 10km ride between [8/29] and [9/5].

:gift: Win a Gift Pack:

We will randomly select 5 participants who complete the challenge to receive our limited-edition 10th Anniversary Gift Pack!

Important Dates:

Challenge Period: [8/29] to [9/5]

Winner Announcement: [9/6]

:biking_woman: :mountain_biking_man: :man_mountain_biking: :mountain_biking_woman: :biking_man:
Let’s ride together and celebrate this milestone! Feel free to invite your friends and family to join you on a free riding journey. We look forward to hearing your stories and reflections from the ride.

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